Chinese Email Example Sentence Search

This lot has not yet been put into production.

Chinese: (Chinese)
These products have not yet been produced.zhè pī shàng wèi tóu rù shēng chǎn
Traditional Chinese: This product has not been released yet.

💡Things to know.
There are three ways to say "まだ~": "还没 (hái méi) ~", "尚未 (shàng wèi) ~", and "仍未 (réng wèi) ~". There are three ways to say it.
"还没~" is an oral word.
"尚未~" is a written word and means "temporarily still". It is used when there is a change in the near future, but not yet at present.
"仍未(réng wèi)~" is another written word. It is used when you are in a hurry and can't wait for a long time.